This function allows for the execution of an arbitrary SQL query, probably most useful for calling from a discussion:rowset action.

This routine would be a useful starting point for developing a custom rowset action.

** ExecuteSQL( _connection string , SQL _ ) ** The first parameter is the connection string to be used, any OLEDB provider can be used, the second parameter is the text of the SQL query.

A user can execute any SQL statement for that their SQL login would normally have the rights to execute.

NOTE: _ This code has been placed in a separate assembly and it should be deployed with the default option of impersonating the current user. If you deploy with the option of impersonating the Service Account there is a risk that the SQL statements could be executed with elevated privileges depending on the rights that have been given to the service account. _

call SQLQuery.ExecuteSql(
    ,"Create TABLE myTable (id int)");
call SQLQuery.ExecuteSql(
    ,"INSERT INTO myTable VALUES(1)");
call SQLQuery.ExecuteSql(
    ,"SELECT * FROM myTable");
call SQLQuery.ExecuteSql(
    ,"DROP TABLE myTable");